In this video from the Columbia AWS Meetup, Johnny Boursiquot presents on how to orchestrate serverless on AWS. Johnny performs an interactive presentation where he builds a serverless Slack app that allows you to give “shoutouts” to colleagues who exemplify hard work and the core values of the organization
Here are some of the key subjects that Johnny reviews in his presentation:
- Designing and orchestrating an AWS architecture with multiple Lambda functions
- Leveraging SQS queues and Step Functions to reduce the likelihood of messages being lost under heavy load
- Configuring Slack slash commands and integrating them into your code (Johnny uses Go in this tutorial)
- Implementing SAM (Serverless Application Model) and CloudFormation to deploy Lambda functions
- Creating different sequences of invocations using state machines in Step Functions
- Setting up CloudWatch to collect metrics on the app’s resource usage and identify significant app events
- Using AWS X-Ray to debug and analyze the app’s performance
Check out the video below to learn more about orchestrating serverless applications. We hope you enjoy!